757-881-1130 [email protected]
Marty Strong Business Consultant

Marty Strong

Entrepreneur – Author – Speaker – Retired Navy SEAL


Marty Strong has been a leader and business consultant for decades, first in uniform as a combat-decorated Navy SEAL and then in commercial business. He is a thought-provoking writer, motivational speaker, and guest expert with over 350 appearances on national cable TV and hundreds of radio and Podcast interviews to his credit. Marty is the author of two Amazon Best-Selling business books, Be Nimble and Be Visionary. His third book, Be Different, is due for release in the Fall of 2024.

Marty’s writing and speaking expertise addresses:

  • How to defeat the fear of failure in life and business
  • How to lead through crisis and chaos be preparing for the worst – in advance. 
  • How to stay engaged, motivated, and focused even during the worst times.
  • How to think big, go big, and engineer a new reality for your organization.
  • How to shed the burdens of intellectual obedience and compliance to reignite applied creativity.

Contact: [email protected] – (757) 572-8265

Be Nimble

I enthusiastically seize this opportunity to recommend reading Marty Strong’s new book “Be Nimble.” Marty’s accomplishments and stories throughout the book serve as motivators to search for areas in our own businesses where we may be vulnerable and where we can do more. I was especially drawn to Marty’s encouragement of free thought, experimentation, and creativity, which are of paramount importance in today’s fast-changing business environment. This book will act as a reference for situations encountered throughout your business career and will ultimately fuel an assessment of what else we as leaders can be doing to execute and excel.

Lee J. Priest

CEO , Metal Raptor

Be Visionary

Of the many business books attempting to transpose applicable military leadership skills onto the corporate world, Be Visionary—Marty Strong’s second successful business leadership book—should hold pride of place on your bookshelf. In clear and precise terms, he lays out an easy-to-follow methodology for C Suite executives, aspirational senior executives, or ambitious mid-level managers planning their rise to the top. His message is as simple as it is impactful: leaders must take risks to resolve their bias for inaction. They must also be willing to commit themselves to winning for weeks, months, or even years before success is achieved. Marty Strong has provided a readable and relatable series of lessons learned and vignettes that encourage the reader to think and act beyond his or her in-box. For those up to the challenge, read Be Visionary. I assure you it will become a weathered and much highlighted learning reference for years to come.

Charles Thomas Rushworth III

Colonel, United States Marine Corp, Retired, Former Professor, U.S. Naval War College – Strategic Studies

Be Different

Marty Strong leads, trains, and engages like a commander focused on the horizon, the objective, and the welfare of his people. When I read Be Nimble, followed by Be Visionary, I thought I was back in the military training senior commanders how to think not only tactically but strategically. To exercise judgment, and to lead. In his latest book, Be Different, Marty writes in such a way that you see his experience unfold right in front of you, here and now, communicated in such a careful narrative manner you can easily absorb his insights and make them your own. Marty’s skills, passion, and empathy for others are gifts. I read his works and understand why those who were trained by him and served with him in the military and in corporate business, have remained close to him ever since, friends for life. I encourage and invite everyone to join the ranks and become inspired by reading Marty’s door-opening books.

Michael Steiner

Executive Director, BEST Robotics, Inc.

Business Consultant
Business Consultant

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